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tv   KRON 4 News at 8  KRON  September 27, 2012 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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(male announer) live from the kron 4 news station, this is the kron 4 news. >>pam: rushing to save the life of a 12 year-old girl. while she was riding her bicycle. she was flown to hospital in critical condition. we are live in marin county. friends, neighbors are praying for her survival. >> she was a great growth she did nothing to s-
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deserve that-- >> they are trying to piece together how she was hit by an s u v. while she was riding her bike she is at children's hospital in critical condition. this was near novato boulevard. reggie has the latest. reggie? >> this happened on novato boulevard. is a little bit dark and we're told by police that once that s u v struck the child the child hit the hood. they were trying to recreate the incident. the helmet was in the street and the bicycle was on the side of the road. the 12 year-old has just moved here one a month ago from new mexico. the friends are in shock. >> i was trying to call my mom and i noticed there was
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no answer. by sister and her friend came up and said that there is a car crashed on the street and that he leav-her name is haley she got hit and i just froze. >> she was taken from a hospital and then air lifted to oaklan air children's hospital. this driver is being cooperative. standard procedure is testing for drugs and alcohol. we will hear from the parents and adults that were coming to work a right after the accident. reporting live, reggie kumar. >> and east bay middle school staff student was
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arrested in albany on wednesday. he has been a teacher and coach with alleged lewd conduct with a child. >> this teacher was arrested for allegedly creating a lewd act with the child under the age of 14. this is from reports of an inappropriate relationship between the suspect and a former student. >> you cannot be in this business of its two kidding children and not be surprised. of-educating children--and be shocked of va th allegations. >> the superintendent is saying that these allegations were made to the principle of the high school at albany. and she got word of it. >> the teacher was placed on leave on monday. >> he started with the district in 20 07 and became a full-time and 2008. he
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also coached boys' basketball and volleyball. >> i have had girls go to the basketball program and volleyball program. he coaches with my husband he is a great man. parents are shocked. >> he does so many great things with sports and for the committee it is a shock. i think that people need to listen to the community--. >> kron 4 has confirmed that he has spelled out of jail. still, no formal charges he has been bailed out. however, there are plenty of questions that when did this happen? was it ongoing or just wants? was a boy, girl, how old? they are responding to a number of these questions. dan kerman, kron 4. >>pam: it our team coverage continues with parents' meeting with the albany school district. to voice
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their concerns and find out what they are doing. and we have details on what happened. >> this and did at 6:30 is lasted for about one hour. with 50 parents in attendance. the superintendent open to the meeting with a brief speech and told the parents what she knows and what she does not know. with questions. >> the purpose of the meeting was to communicate with this small community. this for a close community that we are reacting. with a child best interest at heart. and acting as soon as we possibly can. >> superintendent learning of these allegations against the teacher from an administrator from alting high school on monday. she reported this to police. from albany-high school. >> i was just sick. i know
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each parent. whatever the outcome whenever you hear something like this and it is just sinking to the bottom of your stomach. >> stevenson told the parents that they were provided a vague details of why he is no longer a teacher. counselors have been speaking to students having difficulty. >> we made it a point of the teacher has not been charged. , that is correct. we are in a very delicate situation. if arrests and allegations are made but no charges, yet. we have to be very careful when you talk to kids and when you talk to parents. >> cameras were not allowed into the public meeting. the principal, and the assistant principal's thing that children are having a difficult time with this ordeal. and they understand. they also stressed to the parents that the district
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will to astringent background checks. with fingerprinting, and looking into their background. and she is looking into the possibility of hiring a consultant to look at the ways that the teachers are supervised. to make sure that these allegations. simple, allocations to not a rise in the future. the administration also telling parents that there will be an additional meeting tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. the district of mental health is going to be on hand to talk to the parents about how to talk to their children about this delicate situation. reporting live, kron 4. >> new at 8:00 p.m. of violent robberies with cellphones and other electronics are becoming a daily crime in san francisco. often the victims are becoming --as
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teresa astonish reports. they are concerned that there could be more victims as there is a problem. >> earlier this week there were seven different problems with reports of electronic devices and cellphones stolen. not just taken from our hands but in several cases they were beaten. one was unconscience. despite handing that phone over. , five, six, seven different robberies they are using force, a gun, a knife. >> san francisco spokesperson is saying that this since the beginning of the year there a been 2373 robberies. with 1199 have been involved cellphones.
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>> would want to understand and it becomes, the community is that we do not want people to get hurt over a piece of property. >> fighting back is not an answer when it does not work. >> you do not know that what the person's mental state is they are already committing a felony by committing robbery. you do not know what their state of mind is. you want to find out he did not want to find out if they're going to shoot you all for a smart phone. >> the best is to be proactive. >> if you want to use these areas to make sure that you are aware of your surroundings. >> the department has been challenged with cracking down because there is such a hot market with electronics. >> you cannot live in hiding and that your smart phone, and you're smart devices. we ask that people use them effectively and smart. >> and san francisco, to
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recess talk show, kron 4. >> and to reset-stock show and now j. r. stone is with police. to reselteresa estacio-s reporting and now it is j.r. stone. >> they want to get that phone and get it away from that person, quickly. >> done covington is talking about the is to target one thing. people on it there cellphone not paying attention. >> computer bags, and devices, electronic devices are very, very popular. even more than a purse. >> we went to the streets of san francisco and oakland. >> that woman is not paying attention. she is walking and not paying attention. and if there is another person, and over here, that person is standing. easily, that person could get their
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phone snatched away they are not paying attention. >> and she could not even realize it it. and not only that but she has that large coke back. perhaps more electronic items? with that large--tote bag. >> cellphones teams have even been using bicycles. this man was caught by surprise. >> yes. he was writing a run for at least 15-15 minutes. riding around--and the bicycle is perfect for a theft. >> you knew that he was up to something? >> i did not know. but i should have. now, we're going to start locking our doors. perhaps i've gotten a little bit too comfortable. >> keep those electronics out of sight. >> if you see these areas
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where the hbeen taking a serious and the electronics. the precautions. >> coming up, west biobetters 1. a city where and specter control west-9 elvira's. where they are working over control for the west nile virus and roseanne barr saying that her campaign is no joke. >> angry words from an oakland a's pitcher. more from the heated message of out of control crime in his home town. i'm so glad you called. thank you.
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we're not in london, are we? no. why? apparently my debit card is. what? i know. don't worry, we have cancelled your old card. great. thank you. in addition to us monitoring your accounts for unusual activity, you could also set up free account alerts. okay. [ female announcer ] at wells fargo we're working
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around the clock to help protect your money and financial information. here's your temporary card. welcome back. how was london? [ female announcer ] wells fargo. together we'll go far. >>pam: health officials are trying to stay ahead of the west nile virus. >> this team is on patrol
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because in brentwood who west nile infected mosquitoes are prevalent. add that this is necessary to kilties in sex. to pr children-to prevent --this virus. if >> the other thing that we use is mosquito traps. to give us an indication of where there are a large number of mosquitos. >> standing water is a major source but it does not take much water for them. >> people need to let us know if they see standing water. >> this standing water is being monitored and it is an ongoing battle locating monitoring serious and getting rid of those mosquitos. >> it seems that we get rid of it you and we get more phone calls. it is in constant and changing environment.
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>> this area has been fanfogged but they have not been located all of these breeding grounds. in brentwood, kron 4. >> decision 2012. a candidate in the bay area is not all mitt romney or obama. however, roseanne barr spoke in oakland, yes, that roseanne barr. jeff bush. >> it was a packed house and everybody was gathered for a town hall style to meeting. the star was roseanne barr. and 90's television star is running for president. and her main is marijuana. >> id should be totally illegal. we live in a free country and we should be able to smoke and drink what ever we choose. as an adult taxpaying citizens. and if we are indeed a free
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country? then we should not be going to prison for a joint. >> she was motivated to run for president after the t e eight on legal cannabis clubs. of the d e a m i think that obama is gone back on his word and i think this is where obama has said federal troops against states' rights. and all must of the very same week that he said marriage equality was a state right. >> roseanne barr wanted to run under the peace and freedom because she is fed up with the two-party system. >> let us build our own party that is not owned by bankers. that speaks for the people of this country and has their support and has their cooperation and their participation. >> she shows an anti-war activation as her running
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mate. jeff bush, kron 4. >> for the third straight week, they have been campaigning in the same state. today it was virginia. both candidates were trying to appeal to middle income americans. there are a lot of military service members and veterans in virginia. >>catherine: mitt romney and prism of for trying to get their support. mitt romney was trying to slam with defense cuts. >> it is still a in a troubled and dangerous world. to cut that by trillions of dollars is not even thinkable and devastating. when i become president we will stop it and i'm not cut our commitment to the military. >>catherine: president obama is still using the hidden camera. for the victims of government dependents.
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>> i do not think that we can get very far. with people not taking responsibility for their own lives. >>catherine: these have been turned into a devastating political ads. with faces of families and veterans. >> there will open this presidency and it is not to worry about. >> matt from the is looking to " mitt romney to and to link deficit numbers. >>catherine: forget the election, they're already casting ballots. one example is this was early voting and the state of iowa. catherine heenan, kron 4. >>jacqueline: this warming trend is going to become significant. the highs for
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the inland valleys were quite warm. ninety-three's in antioch, livermore. with and 90's. 70's-93 in antioch but take a look at the coast. cool in daly city. 55 degrees in half moon bay with that really dense fog. it is not going to clear out. this is a live look at the golden gate. visibility is quite low. and at half moon bay, just one half mile visibility at this moment. we can see that it is going to change, overnight. that fog will return with cloud coverage returning. it should lend her by noon. temperatures will be cooler with 70's, 80's by-noon, clearing. temperatures much, much, warmer with the reversal. it will seek warmer temperatures for the inland valleys. and for the
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bay shore, and even 70's along the coast guard tomorrow, plus an for most locations. '70s, '80s. 78 in the san jose. antioch, livermore. and concord, pleasanton. 60s, 70's. temperatures for the north bay. '70s and '80s. off soa triple digits. and also 90's for the bayshore. and even the coast will see that warming trend with 70's. remember, go to our new channel. comcast 193 for the latest news, weather and traffic updates.
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>> coming up the giants are saying goodbye but the 8''a 's and tim lugo later..
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pat >>pam: to watch the blue angels during fleet week, tune into kron 4. sponsored by cheajeep hosted by george rask and mark danon.
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what was grandma's cold remedy?
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hi, primo! asopao! right, asopao! there you go cuz, so you can sweat it out! oh, and music... ( all ) music? ... heals the soul. the power to share unites us.
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verizon brings your entire family the savings of the share everything plan. unlimited talk. unlimited text. and data you can share with up to 10 devices, all in one plan. get the 4glte droid razr by motorola for $99.99. verizon. >>jacqueline: this live look. with mostly clear skies but that is going to change for tomorrow. cool, foggy but this warm up this weekend. the changes, coming up.
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sleep train's inventory clearance sale is ending soon. save 10%, 20%, even 35% on a huge selection of simmons and sealy clearance mattresses. get 2 years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. even get free delivery! sleep train stacks the savings high to keep the prices low. but hurry, the inventory clearance sale is ending soon. superior service, best selection, lowest price, guaranteed. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ >> now our top stories at 8:30 this child is in critical condition being hit by an s u v. the driver is being cooperative drivernovato.. the driver..
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it hit the child. that child's family has been recently relocated to that neighborhood. >> this teacher was arrested on wednesday after allegedly having an inappropriate relationship. the gender and exact age of the child has not been released. >> this spike in electronic paths. san francisco police are warning people with electronic-devices have been stolen. and that's being targeted not to fight back. >> it is really huge. it is just like also a good idea not to drive your car into the city. >> this critical mass is
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between bicyclists and drivers over the last decades. maureen kelly has what commuters could expect on friday. >> chaos on the city streets or a party on wheels. either way, this critical mass is going to be big. some between 5000-20,000 to could participate in the big birthday celebration. that is 10 times the normal turn out. >> everybody and the grandmother is going to be out. >> there will be departing from justin herman plaza on the last friday of every month last two decades. as always, who they go from there is up to anybody? >> it should be fragmented it usually does. when this is so large so i think that if there could be multiple different runs. >> commuters could be in dreadlocks and intersections
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to lead the parade of bicyclists go through, safely. >> if the of 5000 that is going to be five, six different light changes. >> there have been ugly confrontations between frustrated motorists. and the bicyclists fighting for their rights to the road but they're not expecting trouble. >> we're not expecting trouble are looking for trouble but it is a celebration and it is a party. >> san francisco want a larger than normal procession to one to the event with the same number of officers as they do every month. to keep this safe and ease congestion. however, there are going to be other police on duty to stay on standby. >> this series of deadly rodent infections, free testing for parka employees at yosemite. for the
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hantavirus. there have been nine visitors that have been infected and the majority after being at the crrey village cabins. one of the only-pitchers is speaking out about crime. oakland a's braden attended a heated meeting in stockton. what he called in out of control situation. and he cannot take it anymore. >> tonight this crowd over floatflowed at this museum. these victims have had enough and residences, and even a big leak is ready to not give up a town. >> this weekly gig. >> this community degrees to me. >> this big league baseball
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player. >> he was the victim of a grand theft auto carjacking however, the final straw the only advice they told me is that to take my grandmother and move. >> he feels the police only respond to the most violent crimes. >> arm yourself or get out. and it they will let you know that this is just the wild west and it will not be able to do it. >> his frustration does not fall on deaf ears. it has been transparent with the department. it takes an entire community to fix the problem. >> it is exactly what we need is the committee in stockton you know that we cannot do it by ourselves.
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certainly, i cannot expect the committee to to it by itself. that was chris revo reporting. and why apple has dumped google maps on their new operating system. apple has a huge amount of backlash with the problems in the apple maps. with complaints with difficult imagery and even towns are missing. areas are blurred out and even wrong directions. keep slate gabe slate keeping us updated with the details. >> this is all things high- tech. this started with a turn-turned by navigation
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buoys navigation. and the google maps. it-by navigation that this will give a voice navigation with directions. this is great while driving. however, it has been missing that feature. they have been trying to add that feature and it would not so apple has dropped google maps. however, more and more sign that this is leaking out onto the web. there are also reports that google is reporting working very hard that apple will be able to download for free from the apple a app store... we will keep you up-to-date on that but in the meantime i do not understand why this is such a big deal. you can use google maps on your ipod, ipad, or itouch. just go to the website and google maps.
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on your device, launch your browser and go to the actual website 4 google maps. and now, in the lower right hit the " send ". and this will " add to my home screen. now, this will add to your home screen that works exactly like the old google maps. gabe slate coming up, this san mateo county maps. gabe slate coming up, this san mateo county comin[ male announcer ] citibank's app for ipad makes it easy for anne to manage her finances when she's on the go. even when she's not going anywhere. citibank for ipad. easier banking. standard at citibank.
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[ female announcer ] that's when eves turned to sutter health's palo alto medical foundation. [ eves ] the doctors that i dealt with, they got it, that this old guy wanted to return as a hang glider pilot. they got me flying again. [ female announcer ] palo alto medical foundation, and sutter health -- our story is you. helps him deposit his checks. jay also like it when mother nature helps him wash his car. mother nature's cool like that. mobile check deposit. easier banking. standard at citibank. >> announcer: dine and dish the basque chef of his generation welcome to our
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new space. this is a family style. tierod this has been around for a while. >> and basque food is from the basque region of the yr ennes mountains and rustic cuisien to belelevated by the great chefs of the basque region and many are back in the country >> what would be your top dessert. >> i think that this is phenomenal. >> the peppers seafood stew
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and gato basque 'dine and dish'. >>pam: the giants close out their regular home this season. and the regular n f l comeback with a hero's welcome. what was grandma's cold remedy?
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hi, primo! asopao! right, asopao! there you go cuz, so you can sweat it out! oh, and music... ( all ) music? ... heals the soul. the power to share unites us. verizon brings your entire family the savings of the share everything plan. unlimited talk. unlimited text. and data you can share with up to 10 devices, all in one plan. get the 4glte droid razr by motorola for $99.99. verizon. in the people, businesses, and organizations that call the bay area home. whether it's helping a nonprofit provide safe, affordable housing within the city, supporting an organization that's helping kids find jobs and stay in school, or financing the expansion of a local company that's creating healthier workplaces, what's important to the people of the bay area is important to us. and we're proud to work with all those
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who are making our communities stronger. now, here is stanley roberts who found people behaving badly. >> stanley: this is land escaping debris being dumped. with 35 separate
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piles on 101 and at least 13 different locations. just like this through in san mateo county. the peninsula has been hit hard with landscaping debris being hit and the high week to 80 >> this is the legal from caltran. however, this is illegal from actor to from someone behaving badly. illegally-. >> not just wood and direct it is old pvc pipes and even this is where this could have been located from this gas line of blac flag it is a minimum of $300 per pile on disposable fees depending on what county. tax cleaners are going to a total this millions of us, state-wide. is illegal is even and the
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cover of darkness but it has gotten so bad that it could even be during the day. the chp in saying that this form of illegal dumping has been increasing in san mateo county. they are asking for your help. the we are asking for the public to call at 911. >> if your thinking that this is only landscaping but what is the problem it is not just the breaking the law if that is caused with rotted wood in it could wrought the surrounding would it could impact surrounding--trees. the last person that was caught had to foot the entire bill, stanley roberts, kron 4 >>jacqueline: and also, let us take a look the coast with 50s to half moon bay. a det
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that fog what the golden gate with very little visibility. and he could get worse, overnight as it becomes more widespread will work conditions to borrow. he was cuffetomorrow-mar of tabs, pleasant. with upper '70s, '80s. temperatures, pleasant. >>jacqueline: that fog will continue to persist along the coast the entire day tomorrow expected. cooler,
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with more widespread fog and for the weekend no fog expected with more sunshine and warmer conditions. much warmer, inland with nearly 100 degrees by monday. and 90's on the bayshore and even the coast is getting in on that warming trend. 70's. and a rather strong system tuesday, wednesday, thursday and that is going to cool things back down. go to our new channel. comcast 193 for the latest news, weather and traffic updates. 7 >> good evening, finally, milkey barrera has been off the roster the final home game. with cabrera the giants will finish in san diego. the last time but that the crowd at at&t park and cheer. with 22 on this
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season. and marco scootero and with all due respect it it could be the biggest acquisition during this season. buster posy 333 leading. and cabrera bowed out and sergio romo to finish the giants defeated arizona. said hello to the crowd and. >> you played a huge role in the success of this team. from all of us we want to thank you and looking forward to seeing you and the playoffs, thank you! >> i think that it is been phenomenal. what we were capable, offensively. as an offense. we have gotten better as the years have
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gone on and hopefully we will continue to improve as the season goes on. >> with one week from saturday, the play offs will start. this is a little bit of rookie hazing. the giants made those guys u where those on their way to san diego. and you and i basically know the same thing about hazing we do not like that. and when you were in michigan. >> i did not take part. >> and the same as as long as you do not touch me. >> with you where that gold suit? >> not willingly. >> would you where that? >> utt bu--but you know that tht is good, clean pledging
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>> it almost looks like a spider man of the suit. and the comedian, george burns saying that he did not want to be a part of a club that would let him in it. and coming up. mitzi gaynor and ethel mermum love him and i know that everybody is familiar. and to be a east are battling the of one of the best teams in baseball, the a'sl with 8-4 and here they come. with brandon loss. and josh and brandon moss and 9-7 texas still up in teh
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wild card and home against seattle and the all night game in seattle over for harbaugh. however, the defense is shining 13-3. stanford, just moments ago with a fourth-down play. watching bishop. where were the cardinals? and right now, 13-10 is stanford and with just 107 yds on the ground they are struggling. >> the regular referees are back and i must say. the conquering heroes. and look at that. they they are, good grief, they are taking the ball. add is like a
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girlfriend, boyfriend and you have not seen and taking a bow however, there is kerry williams of the readers. with 23-16 of the- oakland raiders. and apparently, speaking to my staff there has been no complaints. the high school coach of the week is tim lugo. over montevista nd jonathan walters is their quarterback. however, the coach say that there could have been more touchdowns with one being taken away from my high school official. >> he got to the end zone and it hit the pylon at the did not give him credit. >> so you are ripping the officials? oh my gosh! and sang oh my gosh! >> and that is right before the-let us take a look at
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that and you are-sang. and now do you plan on the filing a protest you could get even one with a bigger score? we are coming back in a moment
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beh >> we have seen in nearly every catch and baseball
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look at this from the pittsburgh pirates. travis snyder. we have a staff that chronicles and congratulations, that is the best catch, this year. >> see you at 11:00 p.m. on a huge selection of clearance mattresses. get 2 years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. but hurry, sleep train's inventory clearance sale ends soon. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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get a free wireless receiver with a qualifying u-verse plan. (grunts) nice one! way to use the inside of your foot, travis. okay, this time, i'm gonna use my "massive-power kick." all right. show me what you got. oof! ow! that packed some heat. i told you! i'm going to go say hi to justin. okay. your son. he's a great kid. yeah. i think he's pretty crazy about you, too. i've been thinking. what we have is... is pretty special. i want us to be a family.


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